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  /  News   /  MoU Signing of CUI, Abbottabad with the Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar – Jan 13, 2022

MoU Signing of CUI, Abbottabad with the Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar – Jan 13, 2022

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus has successfully signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Management Sciences (IMS), Peshawar on January 13, 2022 in recognition of the mutual significance in endorsing and promoting academic links between the two academic institutions.

The signing ceremony was held at the COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus. The honourable signatories of the MoU were Merit. Prof. Imtiaz Ali Khan, Director COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus and Prof. Dr. Usman Ghani, Joint Director, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar.

The MoU covers joint Research and Academic collaboration activities in the mutual areas of interest. The signing of the MoU further highlights the efforts of both institutions to engage in cooperative efforts, generating opportunities for all members to participate in collaborative research, teaching, student, and staff exchanges through a series of activities and programs.

The ceremony was graced with the presence of the following:

1. All Heads of Academic Departments,

2. Mr. Muhammad Idris Khan (Senior Manager Administration),

3. Dr. Saghir Ahmed (Incharge HR),

4. Dr. Asim Afridi (Incharge Accounts),

5. Mr. Sajid Naeem (Deputy Registrar (ILO),

6. Miss Zainab Irshad (Deputy Registrar (Coordination) and

7. Mr. Naseer Ahmed (Media Coordinator)

On this auspicious occasion, Prof. Dr. Usman Ghani, Joint Director, Institute of Management Sciences appreciated the efforts made by the COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus that led the successful signing of said MoU.

Merit. Prof. Imtiaz Ali Khan, Director COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus stated that CUI, Abbottabad Campus as part of the R&D activities, also look forward for the fruitful exchange of faculty, ideas, and research in many subjects, that will for sure benefit the world today.

He further added that the CUI, Abbottabad Campus is delighted to expand its partnership with IMS, Peshawar, an academic institution recognized for its contributions to quality teaching, research, and outstanding outreach in the community.

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