
Fee Structure

  /    /  Fee Structure

FALL 2024

PharmacyEngineeringCS and SEOther ProgsMSPhD
Admission Fee2200022000220002200022,00022,000
Registration Fee70007000700070007,0007,000
Tuition Fee139,000131,000126,000116,00070,00076,000

Other Information:

i. Additional Semester Fee:- For each additional semester Registration Fee will be charged in addition to Per Credit Hour fee. The  Per Credit Hour fee will be charged from Undergraduate & Master Level Programs @ Rs. 5,500/-, from MS Programs @ Rs.3,500/- and Rs.2,500/- from Ph.D Programs.

ii. Advance Tax:- @ 5% will be charged under section 236 (I) of Income Tax Ordinance 2001,  Download Tax File where applicable. 

iii. Degree Fee:- @ Rs.10,000 will be charged on completion of Degree.

** Fee rates are subject to revision in subsequent semesters.