
Faculty Profile

  /  Faculty Profile

Alia Bashir

Area of Interest: Postcolonial Literature in English, South Asian Literature in English, Women’s Studies
Email: aliabashir@cuiatd.edu.pk
Phone: 0992-383591-6
Academics/ Degrees

  • M. Phil in Literature in English   2015     Hazara University
  • Masters in English Literature       2001    University of Peshawar
  • Bachelors in Arts                         1998     University of Peshawar
  • Bachelors in Education                2011
  • Intermediate                                 1996
  • Matriculation                                1994


  • Served as Lecturer in Pakistan International Public School and College Abbottabad in 2009
  • Served as Lecturer in Tameer-e-Wattan Girls College, Teaching at Secondary Level from March, 2010 to June 2012.
  • Serving as Lecturer in COMSATS University  Islamabad Abbottabad  Campus since August 10, 2015   

Professional Trainings attended

  • Attended One day Training in GRE through USEFP in Islamabad in April 2016.
  • Attended workshop on the training of ISO 9001, version 2015 in April 2018 and DEC 2018 organized at COMSATS   University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus
  • Attended national and international workshops as a participant in Abbottabad and Haripur respectively organized by PASS on 14th and 15 September under the patronage of Directorate of Higher Education, on Transforming Cognitive Abilities of Students in the Context of Objective Realities, KPK and on October 27, 2018 on Education, Critical Thinking, and Democratization in Pakistan.

Any professional or work related Certifications obtained:

  •  Obtained Training Certificate on “Transition to Latest Version of QMS ISO   
  • 9001: 2015”Work shop held in April 2018
  • Obtained certificate of participation on Preparation for External Audit ISO   
  • 9001: 2015  Revised version held in April 2018 arranged by QEC COMSATS   University Islamabad Abbottabad Campus

Research Interests

  • Postcolonial Literature in English
  • South Asian Literature
  • Postcolonial Narratology