

  /    /  Projects

The department of Development Studies had established strong institutional collaboration with the universities in the North and South. Starting with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) Norway in 2007, the department of development studies is now enjoying long term research and education collaboration with the Universities in Norway, Germany, UK, Japan, Ethiopia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and China. The major donors of the institutional collaboration are Norway and Germany. Following are some of the joint research and education programs with international partners.

Sr NO. Title of the Project Major Components Partner Institutions Awarding Organizations Date of Initiation/Completion
1 Triangular (Pakistan-Nepal-Norway) MS program on Sustainable Water Sanitation Health and Development MS education,students exchange, and Development of laboratories and library Env. Sciences/ Development Studies, CIIT Abbottabad Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Norway Norad Masters Program, Norway August 2008- June 2014
2 Gender and human and livelihood security in post-conflict/disaster Pakistan: Policy implications of local, gendered understandings of security and development PhD scholarships, Joint research, and Staff development Development Studies, CIIT Abbottabad, and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Norway Norwegian Research Council, Norway Dec 2010-June 2014
3 Strengthening Applied Research and Capacity at CIIT Abbottabad in Post Conflict/disaster situation Joint research, and Staff and student training Development Studies, CIIT Abbottabad, and Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway Royal Norwegian Embassy through Planning Commission of Pakistan January 2011-Dec 12
4 Courting catastrophe? Humanitarian policy and practice in a changing climate Joint research, and PhD and Post Docs scholarships Development Studies, CIIT Abbottabad, UMB, Norway, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK, Makelle University Ethiopia Red Cross, Kenya, NIDS, Nepal Government of Norway January 2012-May 2016
5 MS in Conflict Peace and Development MS education, Joint research, MS and PhD scholarships, and Students and faculty exchange Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Ruhana University Sri Lanka, and CIIT Abbottabad Norwegian Research Council Oct 2013-June 2018
6 Collaborative research project on Environment and climate with the University of Bonn, Germany Field research Training, Capacity building, and Establishment of weather station at CIIT Abbottabad Bonn University, and CITI Abbottabad DAAD August 2014
7 Measuring the landslides hazards in the Northern Pakistan Capacity building, Joint research, and Student exchange Yamagata University, Japan Government of Japan  
8 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) challenges for special people and women Research Development Studies, CIIT Abbottabad, Sightsaver Islamabad, and HRDS, Islamabad Sightsaver, UK July 2012-June 2014

ActionAid(Pak)/ Oghi Development Organization (ODO)

A research collaboration was developed and established between Oghi Development Organization (ODO) and Department of Development, a local development organization funded by International organization (ActionAid(Pak) working in Oghi area of Mansehra. A research project was completed by Dr. Zahid Hussain department of development studies in collaboration with ODO. During the study a number of DS students were engaged in various research activities like survey, data collections etc due to the existing collaborations.

Impact and Future Prospects of Organic Farming Practices at Oghi, Mansehra

The Research Project of worth Rs. 0.3 million was funded by ActionAid (Pakistan) was completed in October 2012 in collaboration with a local NGO, Oghi Development Organization (ODO) working in Oghi, Mansehra. During the study various field visits were made to the various villages of Tehsil Oghi for survey, social data collection through questionnaires, collected soils and waters samples for their chemical analysis with the main objective of investigating the impacts of organic farming system on the local farmers of Oghi and its future aspects in terms of socio-economic development of the people of Oghi. A student of MS of CUI was engaged in the project as Research Associate.

Iodine in Soils, Plants and Waters in Relation to Health Implications in Human Beings

The research project proposal of worth Rs 5.64 million has been submitted to HEC and already approved by reviewers with no further re-review and being awaited for final approval and release of funds for commencement of the research.