
CUI Abbottabad

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MoU Signed between Pakistan Bait Ul Mal & COMSATS…

On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, Mr. Malik Zaheer Abbas Khokhar, Managing Director Pakistan Bait Ul Mal, and Dr. Zafar Khan Safdar, Director Administration Pakistan Bait Ul Mal visited COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad campus for MoU signing ceremony.

The ceremony started with the welcome note by Ms. Amber Sardar, Incharge Office of Development. During the address of Prof. Dr. Imtiaz Ali Khan, Director CUI, Abbottabad, he showed his immense gratitude to managing Director Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal and his team for their visit and agreement on signing MoU. He stressed upon the importance of mutual understanding between the two organizations. Furthermore, he extended his full support regarding any upcoming project of Bait-ul-Mal in the future.

MoU was signed for the next two years and to his generosity, Malik Zaheer Abbas Khokhar, MD, PBM has announced 50 seats for CUI Abbottabad Campus.

After signing MoU, the team visited CUI, Abbottabad campus and MD appreciated the hard work of the campus in imparting quality Education.

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