
Research Projects Completed

  /    /  Research Projects Completed

1. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan funded project “Development of potent and selective modulators of alkaline phosphatases from natural products as well as synthetic derivatives as lead structures” amount awarded 10.7 Million for 2015-17.
2. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) of Netherlands funded project “Synthesis and Development of NPPs inhibitors “for the year 2015-17.
3. “DAAD German-Pakistani Research Collaborations project amount received 5 Million for 2014-15.
4. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan funded project “Provision of Grants to Public Sector Universities and Degree Awarding Institutions for Maintenance of Scientific Equipment, HEC” for ‘P/ACE MDQ Capillary Electrophoresis’, amount awarded 0.74 Million for year 2014.
5. “DAAD German-Pakistani Research Collaborations project “, amount received 5 Million for 2013-14.
6. CIIT, Islamabad, “Development of new Antidiabetic Drugs amount received 0.2 Million for 2012.
7. CIIT, Islamabad, “Development of drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy”, amount received 0.2 Million for 2011.
8. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan funded project “Cloning and Expression of human enzymes in Escherichia Coli, and development of high-throughput capillary electrophoresis and Microchip based nano scale test system for analysis of inhibitors, amount awarded 7.065 Million, for 2009-10.
9. COMSTECH-TWAS “Design, synthesis and biochemical evaluation of Ecto-5′- Nucleotidase inhibitors as potential anti-tumour agents” amount received 1.5 Million, for 2010.