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Seminar/workshop on OBE system

Seminar/workshop on OBE system for all faculty members and students of Civil Engineering Department, CUI, Abbotabad on 24th May 2019. 

Bridge competition

Bridge competition was held on 30th of April 2019 in student week. The competition format comprised of a team of 3, building a small wooden bridge under the supervision of society of civil engineering/faculty members which was then to be loaded to destruction to test its load carrying capacity. The bridge building kits consisted of 25 sticks of 4mm nominal thickness x 600mm long and a pack of Pratley Clear quickset glue. 

The aim of the competition was to introduce the students to Civil Engineering program and inspire them to pursue Civil Engineering as a career. 

 The areas of the curriculum covered were as follows:- 

  • connections 
  • compression
  • tension 
  • stresses 
  • strain 
  • moments (bending) 
  • shear 
  • arches